15 reasons why you should Date a Cyclist

When the pretty guy exactly who merely questioned you out spends their vacations on a motorcycle, please state yes.

Listed below are 15 reasons to date a cyclist:

1. Two terms: bicycle short pants.

2. Its research: Cyclists are hot. Research conducted recently discovered that cyclists who excelled from inside the Tour de France tend to be considered more attractive than many other athletes — and this the very best 10 % of cyclists “is about 25 % more desirable as compared to cheapest 10 percent.” Maybe fast will be the new rich?

3. Cyclists are smart. Per a current Mindlab study, people view cyclists as 13 percent a lot more smart compared to the person with average skills.

4. Cyclists are perfect. According to the exact same survey, cyclists are seen as 10% much more charitable than non-cyclists.

5. Your time is going to be available for a while. Professional cyclists reside, on average, 6.3 even more many years than non-cyclists. (Um, provided they don’t really get hit by a vehicle.)

6. Cyclists tend to be helpful. After several years of honing bike-maintenance abilities, the big date shall be up for correcting things in your home, too.

7. The truly amazing in the open air. If you’re sick of dating interior kitties, date a cyclist. You’re going to get reacquainted with character. And maybe also take a trip more.

8. Cyclists are dedicated — and do not take defeat. Ideally this also includes their quest for commitment success, too.

9. No lazy bums here, simply toned people. Cyclists are self-disciplined, often rigorously so, and can resist sun and rain to obtain their flights in.

10. Cyclists are continuously establishing targets for themselves. If you need a forward-thinking date, look absolutely no further.

11. Cyclists have fantastic near-death-experience stories to express, which is also precisely why they can be in addition sticklers about protection.

12. You can begin bicycling, also! Your day will likely be happy to generally share his/her passion when it comes down to sport. In fact, everyone can join in, should the couple fundamentally procreate.

13. Cyclists don’t contact ill. Relating to a 2013 survey by the National Cycle Network, cyclists just take half the sheer number of ill times as his or her general public transportation-riding colleagues.

14. Imagine your own date’s fixation together with the available roadway is actually somewhat over-the-top? He’s saner than you think. Studies have shown that energetic workout like biking can enhance quantity and memory while reducing panic and anxiety. The cycle is perfect for his mind.

15. Love our planet? Bicycling can be as environmentally friendly whilst will get.

Analysis Information:

2. http://www.livescience.com/43110-attractive-cyclists-tour-de-france.html and http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-26034659

3 and 4. http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/cycling/cyclists-are-more-intelligent-charitable-and-cool-than-the-average-person-says-study-9051434.html

5. http://www.smh.com.au/sport/cycling/pro-cyclists-live-longer-report-20130903-2t3ka.html

13.  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/active/recreational-cycling/10097449/Cycling-halves-the-number-of-sick-days-taken-by-staff.html

14. http://www.bicycling.com/news/advocacy/your-brain-cycling

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